To learn more about differentiation trees and waves: please refer to the following:
Gordon, R. (1999). The Hierarchical Genome and Differentiation Waves: Novel Unification of Development, Genetics and Evolution; World Scientific & Imperial College Press: Singapore & London.
Gordon, N.K. and Gordon, R. (2016). The organelle of differentiation in embryos: the cell state splitter [invited review]. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 13, #11.
Gordon, R. (1999). The Hierarchical Genome and Differentiation Waves: Novel Unification of Development, Genetics and Evolution; World Scientific & Imperial College Press: Singapore & London.
Gordon, N.K. and Gordon, R. (2016). The organelle of differentiation in embryos: the cell state splitter [invited review]. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 13, #11.
Archetypical differentiation tree labeled with binary differentiation code. COURTESY: Dr. Richard Gordon's Notebook.
Open SSBD virtual courses:
4-D cell nucleus tracking course link
OpenWorm badge system:
Literature Mining I (working with papers) link
Literature Mining II (working with secondary data) link
Literature Mining I (working with papers) link
Literature Mining II (working with secondary data) link
MOOC courses:
OpenWorm/DevoWorm Curriculum (supported by the Mozilla Open Leaders program):
* Developmental Data Science link
* Dynamical Systems and Development link
* Models and Representations link
* Tutorials on Pattern Formation link
* Developmental Data Science link
* Dynamical Systems and Development link
* Models and Representations link
* Tutorials on Pattern Formation link